Life in the Frozen North (detail), Mariano Gonzales, 1985, Anchorage Museum. 1988.005.001. Photograph.

Life in the Frozen North (detail), Mariano Gonzales, 1985, Anchorage Museum. 1988.005.001. Photograph.

Tricksters and Sourdoughs: Humor and Identity in Alaska

On view November 1, 2024 – October 4, 2026
Northern Narratives gallery, Second Floor, East Wing

Tricksters and Sourdoughs examines the distinctive ways Alaskans use humor as a coping mechanism, and vehicle for creating and sharing culture. This exhibition considers laughter as a powerful means of resistance and social critique as well as release, affirmation, and connection. Incorporating Alaska Native contemporary art, cartoons, ephemera, films, memes, and other elements of Alaska pop culture, Tricksters and Sourdoughs offers a rich and varied portrait of Alaska identity by revealing what makes us chuckle, cringe, and nod in recognition.

Program Events

Curator Tour: Tricksters and Sourdoughs

11 a.m. – noon. Wednesday, Feb. 19 — In-Person

Join museum curator John Hagen for a tour of Tricksters and Sourdoughs: Humor and Identity in Alaska. In addition to providing an overview of the...

View Details


This exhibition is made possible, in part, with support from the following sponsors:


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