North x North: Museum After Dark – Anchorage 2050
This event has ended. It was scheduled for 4/12/2024.
7 - 11 p.m. Friday, April 12
Anchorage MuseumIn-Person Event
What can an Anchorage of the near future look like? We are imagining an Anchorage in 2050. This museum-wide event is dedicated to a possible future that our community can be. Join in a silent disco with three DJs to choose from: DJ Spencer Lee, DJ GRE and DJ Cross. Check out live performances by bands Brux and Heel. Watch a live mural drawing by artist Ted Kim. Bring an old t-shirt or purchase one for a live screen printing. Attend a short movie program from Tromso International Film Festival. Round out the night with street food from B Street Gumbo and Babycakes. Cocktails of the present and the future presented by Muse X Crush Bistro.
$40; 21+ only with valid ID. Museum members receive a 10% discount and access to a members-only lounge.