Image: Caitlin Blaisdell, Kaxhatjaa X’óow/Herring Protectors, 2019.
Image: Caitlin Blaisdell, Kaxhatjaa X’óow/Herring Protectors, 2019.


On view Oct. 21, 2022 — April 9, 2023, Fourth Floor

In times of pandemic, climate crisis, and ongoing assaults to human rights, how are Indigenous Alaska artists today strengthening self and community, and guiding the next generation from surviving to thriving?  Protection: Adaptation and Resistance centers Indigenous ways of knowing. Working within intergenerational learning groups and as collaborators in vibrant community networks, Alaska’s Indigenous artists are invigorating traditional stories in customary arts and proposing resilient futures through design, tattoo, regalia and graphic arts. Artist projects elevate collaboration, allyship, and community as tools of resistance, adaptation, and cultural affirmation. The exhibition explores three themes:  Land and Culture Protectors, Activists for Justice and Sovereignty and Resilient Futures.

'Our lifeways, material culture, and protocols serve as armor to resist efforts to exterminate us. They are rooted in the power to unite and create space for all people. When we break down the efforts of those who work to silo, segregate, and discriminate, there is space for all people and all living things.'
— Joel Isaak (Dena’ina)


Please visit the calendar to see all upcoming Anchorage Museum events.


Protection: Adaptation and Resistance is a project of the Bunnell Street Art Center in Homer, Alaska. Made possible, in part, with support from the following sponsors:

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