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Participants at the Reconnecting Fairview Symposium during Anchorage Design Week 2024.

Reconnecting Futures project imagines a bright future for Anchorage’s Fairview neighborhood

2025 Anchorage Design Week champions grassroots collaborations focused on building resilience in the face of climate migration.

Jan. 22, 2025

Anchorage’s Fairview neighborhood, a community rich in history and culture, is the focus of an ambitious, collaborative design project that envisions a brighter future for its residents.

“Reconnecting Futures” continues multi-partner collaborations and neighborhood activism begun several years ago between the Anchorage Museum and grassroots organizations, university programs, and professional design groups.

With a focus on community engagement, innovative urban design, and addressing historical inequities, this project aims to inspire change and foster resilience for Fairview and East Downtown Anchorage.

(Video: Lego-scaled design concepts for a re-envisioned Fairview travel corridor)

Uniting Partners for a Shared Vision

Reconnecting Futures brings together a diverse coalition, including the Fairview Community Council, University of Texas Arlington (UTA) CAPPA students and faculty, the University of Alaska Anchorage Center for Community Engaged Learning, NeighborWorks Alaska and local chapters of professional design organizations like AIGA Alaska, Alaska Design Forum and the Alaska Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (AK ASLA).

By connecting local voices with national expertise, the project creates actionable, community-centered solutions to long-standing challenges.

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The Fairview Wishing Well, presented during Anchorage Design Week 2024.

Anchorage Design Week 2025: Designing a Better Tomorrow

At the heart of Reconnecting Futures is the 9th annual Anchorage Design Week. This year’s event features a five-day Field Work session, during which students and instructors from UTA and UAA collaborate with residents, design professionals, and community leaders. Together, they will collect data, engage in public discussions, and develop concepts that respond to the unique needs of the Fairview and East Downtown neighborhoods.

This initiative represents an important evolution, building on past collaborations with UTA, including the “Ephemeral Geographies” project. While previous efforts focused on remote engagement, this year’s Design Week emphasizes in-person interactions, creating deeper connections and more impactful outcomes.

A key focus for 2025 will be exploring the implications of climate migration on Anchorage’s infrastructure, habitat, and community density.

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Design Week team members meeting with residents during ADW 2024.

Celebrating Ideas and Achievements

The project culminates in a 1.5-day Reconnecting Futures Symposium, showcasing the designs and research developed during the initiative. This event features Continuing Education Units (CEU) for professionals. By articulating priorities and strategies for future urban development, the symposium will set the stage for continued progress.

Anchorage Design Week also features productive workshops and community tours inviting the public to explore creative solutions developed as part of Reconnecting Futures. The efforts will highlight visions for pedestrian-scale development designed to activate spaces and foster meaningful interactions, reflecting the community’s aspirations and values.

The "Shapes of Fairview" project at Fairview's Kosinski Softball Fields, 2024.

Addressing Historical Inequities

Fairview’s history is marked by challenges stemming from highway construction in the 1960s, which bisected the neighborhood and led to decades of disinvestment. Reconnecting Futures seeks to address these historical injustices by:

  • Engaging residents in envisioning a future with improved transportation, amenities, and living opportunities.
  • Amplifying local voices to advocate for equitable public and private investment.
  • Highlighting the neighborhood’s potential as a hub of cultural and economic vitality.
Fairview's "Gambell" Carrs, located along the proposed route of an upcoming highway connection project.

Through mapping, design research, and active listening, designers will document the community’s needs and aspirations, creating a roadmap for a more equitable and inclusive future.

Long-Term Impact and Next Steps

Reconnecting Futures is more than a single event or project—it’s a sustained effort to build partnerships, inspire action, and create lasting change. Spanning multiple semesters, the initiative involves ongoing collaboration among creative professionals, community organizations, and university programs. A summary publication will document the project’s findings, ensuring its insights and solutions are accessible to a wide audience.

Anchorage is a city of resilience, creativity, and connection.

With Reconnecting Futures, the Anchorage Museum and its partners are proving that by working together, we can build a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow for everyone.

Join the Journey

Reconnecting Futures is an invitation to imagine what’s possible for Anchorage’s Fairview neighborhood. This project aims to transform challenges into opportunities and inspire hope for the future through the power of design, community engagement, and shared vision. To learn more about this exciting initiative, visit www.fairviewak.org or www.anchoragedesignweek.org.

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